On a hot day in July of 2019, I went into labor all by myself - I was induced with Charlie, so I wasn't too sure if that's what was happening - well, for sure it was! After 5 hours and 4 pushes, Carter Kent McCrea was born at 5:33pm - my focus point was Prisoner of Azkaban on the TV :) He was just over a pound heavier than his sister, and longer by over an inch! That boy challenged me in every way while I carried him, as I delivered him + now as a 3 year old, he's my favorite little boy on this earth. He got to spend his 3rd birthday in Australia - we had plans for cake and a dino pinata, but momma was on the eve of a + Covid swab, so festivities were a little lack-luster. We've since made it up to him, and I don't even think he was phased :)
Happiest of birthdays, my sweet boy - we love you up to the sky and back!